Women’s running tights: everything you need to consider

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More and more women are encouraged to practice a sport. It seems silly, but the reality is that this has not always been the case. Moreover, there are many sports that years ago it was unthinkable that they were practiced by women and today are in high demand.

We could say that sport has reached the general population. Perhaps because of the great impact it has on people’s health or simply as a passing fad. Who knows? The important thing is that, regardless of the sport in question, it is enjoyed in the right way and serves not only to get healthier, but to get new friendships.

However, in order to carry out this practice, women have different needs than men. That is to say, in order to feel comfortable and be at ease while exercising, it is convenient to have certain materials, such as women’s running tights.

The comfort of women’s running tights
There are many women who, when it comes to choosing their sports apparel, base their choice solely on comfort. Well, and that it looks good, of course. But why do most women choose leggings?

Quite simply, it is an article of clothing that is very versatile. That is, it can be worn by any woman, regardless of her complexion. And not only that, but the biggest reason, or at least the most logical, is the use that can be given to them. From going to the gym with them, to going for a run or just a walk with the dog.

How can I find the perfect size?

As we have been saying, it is a very elastic garment. This makes it easy to fit any woman’s body perfectly.

However, what at first glance may seem like a great advantage, for many women can turn into a nightmare. How can you choose the perfect women’s running tights?

Like any garment, the first thing we should do is to take a look at it from top to bottom and consequently, come to a conclusion as to whether or not the garment can really fit us. It may be the case that there are different models that can fit well and we can not choose one in particular. Nothing happens, once we have chosen all of them, we will have to think about the following:

Tips for choosing the best size of leggings

When it comes to checking that the tights fit correctly, the first thing we must take into account is the hip. The reason for this is that it is going to be the place where the tights should grip, so the measurement of this should be enough so that it does not fall and, on the contrary, so that it does not tighten.
In order to get a reference measurement, all we need is a tape. By sliding it around our hips we can get a more than reliable reference.
Of course, keep in mind the type of mesh in question. There are some types that instead of reaching the hip, reach the abdomen. Therefore, we recommend that you measure the abdomen and not the hip.

What are the most common mistakes?

Obviously, when it comes to choosing the best size of running tights for women, some mistakes are often made. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you about them below:
When it comes to obtaining the measurements we have discussed above, it is very important that we are honest with ourselves. What does this mean? Well, it simply means that if we take any kind of measurement, we should be honest and not over-tighten the tape or vice versa. In this way, the only thing we get is to deceive ourselves and get a wrong reference.
Once you get a size as a reference, do not think that all brands work the same way. It may be the case that the same size in one brand is much larger than it may be in another. Therefore, we always recommend trying them on before making a final decision.

What are the perfect women’s running tights?

In order to be completely satisfied with our purchase, we must ensure that:
The tights must be completely fixed, hence the importance of taking good measurements. As we have been saying, it is a garment that although it molds to any body, it is important that it is well compact. In this way we avoid having to be constantly placing the seam.
Check that they do not have transparencies. There are some leggings that may have some clear areas, so it is necessary to check where they are located. We don’t want to have any surprises.
The type of leggings is also very important. Keep in mind that it is a garment that can be used for almost any sport, so depending on the one in question, we will have to choose one model or another.
Any type of print or similar should be analyzed because it may be the case that after several washes this disappears and with this also goes part of the color.
Finally, breathability is one of the most important factors. Depending on the type of activity we are going to do, we must choose the right leggings. It is not the same to train in a gym at twenty degrees, than in the middle of the street in winter with five.

As you can see, following all these tips and taking into account the most common mistakes that are usually made, there should be no problem when choosing a pair of running tights for women.

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