Black Friday weekend at Anaissa
For a few years now, Black Friday has been celebrated in Spain, a date that is so marked on the calendar as the beginning of the sales, in short, the day or weekend of bargains.
As its name suggests, this day of offers takes place on a Friday, specifically the last Friday of November, and we can say that it is something like the pre-season of Christmas in terms of shopping. In short, it is the opportunity to buy Christmas gifts for the whole family at a much better price than a month later. A forewarned girl is worth two ;). However, that day is a day of crowds in shopping centres, luckily online stores are also joining the campaign.
It is common for brands to extend the promotion to the weekend and at Anaissa we have also decided to do so. From Friday 27th November to Sunday 29th you will find interesting offers in the Anaissa online store for 3 days!
For the Black Friday weekend we will have all leggings and the entire Biotech Beauty line (slimming, anti-cellulite, shaping) at 30% off. To validate your discount you will only have to enter this promotional code when you go to pay: BKFRIDAY.
We leave you with a small selection of items, from among the many that you will find on super sale. You can start browsing the website in depth to make your wish list.