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Article: Studies confirm it: Men care as much about their appearance as we do!

día de padre

Studies confirm it: Men care as much about their appearance as we do!

We live in a society obsessed with physical appearance and aesthetic perfection, but does it affect us more if you are a woman ? Are we under more pressure and, consequently, more obsessed? A study carried out by the scientific magazine Body Image has concluded that men are increasingly concerned about their appearance and there are fewer and fewer differences . But the pressure is still different for both sexes. Being pretty, looking good, looking younger, treating wrinkles, taking care of those extra kilos... For years, worrying about physical appearance and always looking great has been a thing of women. As well as insecurity or self-esteem problems related to our physical appearance. But a study recently carried out by the scientific publication Body Image has discovered that the tables have not turned, but are now including men. The study carried out among more than twelve thousand adults has focused on studying the feelings and personal perception of the interviewees, as well as the importance they give to their physique, placing special emphasis on beauty and weight . Until recently, we were the only ones who worried about our extra pounds, but this study has discovered that men are also starting to worry. And quite a lot. Up to 15% of the men interviewed were very unhappy with their weight , compared to 20% of the women interviewed. And up to 6% of them suffered because they did not like their appearance , compared to 9% of women. Aren't these figures very close? But they are not the only ones that are close. Also on the positive side of the study, in the part of men and women who feel good about their appearance, there are quite a few coincidences: 28% of men felt good in their skin compared to 26% of women. Or 24% of men declared to be satisfied with their weight compared to 20% of women. But one of the most relevant things of the study is that physical appearance occupies a vital place on the scale of things that we consider fundamental to be happy : it occupies third place in the case of women, just after our economic position and our romantic relationship and second in the case of men!, just after financial security. What really calls my attention is that it is increasingly evident that men are as concerned about their physical appearance as we are and there is hardly any difference between the two sexes. That is why at Anaissa we want to dedicate this week to them and especially to Father's Day! Enjoy a 40% discount until March 19 on the website:

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