We often associate being thin with being fit. Similarly, we often measure our progress when we start a training program by the decrease in our body weight. To the point where we think: 'if I don't lose weight, it doesn't work'. In this article we want you to understand, in a very simple way , why you shouldn't obsess about what the scale says .
Why you shouldn't obsess about the scale, especially when you start exercising
Fat vs. muscle mass
To start with, we must bear in mind that reducing volume does not necessarily mean weighing less . The reason is very simple and, since we know that a picture is worth a thousand words, to save ourselves 2000 words, we will use 2 images to explain it.
This is what a pound of fat looks like vs. a pound of muscle.

As you can see, the same weight of fat takes up much more space than the same weight of muscle . This explains why the girl in the image, despite weighing 3 kg more in the image on the right, has a more defined, attractive and less voluminous body. Thanks to a change in her lifestyle, she has lost fat mass and increased muscle mass .
This is the reason why, when we start a physical activity program, it is very likely that we will gain weight, and even more so at the beginning , since we are likely to gain muscle mass at a faster rate than we lose fat. It may even be that, despite gaining weight, we notice that those pants that were so tight around my waist are getting less tight and are fitting me better , which may seem paradoxical but is completely clear after understanding the images we have seen. For this reason, we should not obsess over the scale .
So, we suggest that, instead of obsessing about your weight, you focus on your body composition (the amount of fat and muscle you have), on how those pants that, until a few days ago, you couldn't even button fit you, on your attitude, vitality... because you see that losing weight doesn't have to be synonymous with losing fat .
[gallery columns="2" size="full" ids="925,926"]Thinness vs. fitness
Increase your muscle mass to consume more energy
Furthermore, when our goal is to see the scales mark a lower number each time, we usually limit ourselves to cardiovascular work without considering the possibility of working on strength. Muscle mass is the main engine of our body and, therefore, the main consumer of energy . Let's compare it to a car: the more horsepower an engine has, the more fuel it uses. At the same time, a body with strong and toned muscles consumes more energy than a thin body with low muscle mass , hence the importance of strength work.
Maybe we are reluctant to do strength training because we have in mind the super-muscled body of female bodybuilders and we think that, if we work on strength, we will become like them. But believe me, those bodies are achieved with a different type of training than the one we propose, a very strict high-protein diet focused on those ends and other means.
To save us another 1000 words, below we have listed three sporty girls with different bodies that achieve their goals in different ways. In other words, depending on the type of training and nutritional plan you follow, you will be more on track to achieve certain goals than others.
[gallery size="large" ids="927,926,928"]-
Choose the healthiest option for you
Throughout our challenge, Anaissa wants to give some basic guidelines to help you achieve a good level of fitness , with training routines that combine strength and cardio work, which can be done at home, with a small investment of time and without specific equipment. Also, as we said in the challenge presentation article , you should not put in only half the effort, unless you want to settle for half the result , so we also give you some nutritional guidelines and guidelines to achieve your goals more quickly.
- Practical assumptions
Before moving on to this week's home training routine , we suggest you reflect on two practical assumptions that we have put to you. You will see how you come up with the answer and start to see this in a different way:

Let's imagine that subject 2 starts exercising with the sole objective of losing weight and, after 3 months of starting his exercise program, he weighs himself and sees that he weighs the same, or even more. So, he decides to give up.
Given the height and weight of subject 1, could it be that subject 2, in his first 3 months, gained muscle mass while losing fat? Could he have given more importance to other data such as waist measurement or taken a photo before starting his training program and compared it to his appearance as he progressed through his training program?
Moral: you have to be consistent and patient, and not throw in the towel at the first opportunity. There is no trickery here, if you do things right, time will pay off. I'm not saying it will be quick, I'm saying it will be worth it. I'm not saying it will be quick, but giving up will not bring you closer to your goals. I'm not saying it will be quick, I'm saying that in 6 months you will regret the fact that you didn't start today.

What dinner do you think he will choose?
Reality: Just because you do sports doesn't give you the license to eat whatever you want. Nothing makes you immune to the effects of a bad diet. There's a very common phrase among fitness athletes that says: 'the real challenge isn't in the gym, but in the kitchen' and I assure you that it's very true. To achieve visible and long-lasting results, you have to create healthy lifestyle habits, both in terms of physical activity and nutrition.
It's your turn! Follow the #healthylifeanaissa challenge
Now that you know a little more about physical exercise, we are going to show you the second routine of our #AnaissaHealthyLifeChallenge which, this week, is focused on strengthening the entire abdominal belt, that is, what is today heard and known as the 'core' , which includes the abdominal muscles, the internal and external obliques, the transverse abdominis, the muscles of the lumbar area and the glutes. These muscles are of great importance beyond mere aesthetics, their toning being of great importance for the stabilization of the spine, postural correction, prevention of injuries and muscle pain...
Core in 6 minutes, at home, at any time and without equipment
2nd EXERCISE ROUTINE #RetoVidaSaludableAnaissa
To do this exercise routine we want you to take into account the following aspects:
- The routine consists of 6 exercises, 2 for the abdominal area, 2 for the oblique area and 2 for the muscles of the lumbar area and glutes, thus working all the muscles of the abdominal girdle.
- Once again, we are going to use the timer to do the routine. We propose a ratio of 40 minutes of exercise and 20 minutes of rest, which we will use to prepare for the next exercise. As you know, you can regulate the ratio of exercise and rest time according to your needs and actual level.
We launch you 2 different challenges:
- Or we do this routine 2 times in a row one day (12 minutes in total) and, the next day, the 3 rounds of the 1st routine of the challenge (15 minutes in total) on alternate days, for at least 6 days throughout the week.
- Or we do 2 rounds of the 1st routine of the challenge (10 minutes) + 1 round of this second routine (6 minutes) in a row (16 minutes in total) for 6 days of the week.
- Remember to print the templates to track your progress throughout the week. Since we have given you two different challenges this week, you should print the two templates that we have accumulated and write down the corresponding data on each one.
As we can see in the image, you don't have to lift your entire back off the ground. You have to go up vigorously, pause briefly at the top and then slowly come down.
We lean our upper back on a chair and put our feet on the floor, keeping our knees at approximately 90º. From this initial position, we slowly lower our bottom until we almost touch the floor. Once we are down, we go up more vigorously and as high as we can, squeezing our glutes as much as possible at the highest point.
We lie down on the floor with our arms crossed. We raise our legs to 90º and let them fall slowly to one side. Trying not to separate our feet, we raise our legs vigorously to bring them to the other side. Remember that the descent must be slow and controlled and the ascent more energetic.
We start with our legs in the air with our knees bent at 90º. From this position, we slightly lift our torso and bring our knees towards our chest. We hold this bent position for half a second and slowly return to the starting position.
Lying on the floor with your hips and knees at 90º and your feet resting on a chair. From this position, we contract the muscles of the lower back and glutes to raise the hips as much as we can. Again, we hold the muscle contraction and high position for half a second to begin to lower ourselves to the initial position in a slow and controlled manner.
We lie on our side on the floor. We support ourselves with one forearm and lift our hips until we are completely aligned on the two long axes of the body. This exercise is isometric, so we must hold this position for a few seconds, let's say 9. After 9 seconds, we change sides as quickly as possible and do the same, holding the aligned position for those 9 seconds. And so on until you complete the 40 seconds.
Here are the 6 exercises that make up our 2nd routine of our #RetoVidaSaludableAnaissa . If you haven't signed up yet, don't wait any longer and start getting a healthier body and better physical condition now . It's never been so easy to start exercising, at any time, from the comfort of your home and without the need for specific equipment. Here we also leave you the two activity log sheets so you can save them and print them to record your progress.
Jordi Martínez Belda. Membership number at COLEF CV: 56275
- Graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia.
- National Athletics Coach for the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation.
- Higher Sports Technician in Bodybuilding, Muscle Building and Fitness from the Royal Spanish Weightlifting Federation.