Benefits of practicing Hatha Yoga
One of the most popular styles of yoga is Hatha yoga, as it is one of the most widely practiced styles in the world. Compared to other styles of yoga, it is a slower, but no less intense, practice. If you are a beginner, Hatha yoga is usually a very good option to start getting in touch with this discipline.
Below, Anaissa explains what Hatha yoga is, its benefits and characteristics.

What is the Origin of Hatha Yoga?
To understand the origin of hatha yoga, one must contextualize and locate the origin of one of the most popular yoga styles.
In Sanskrit, Hatha yoga means discipline of strength, a force that seeks to balance the polarities that are within us. In fact, ha means sun and represents the most active energy, and tha means moon, which is linked to relaxation and rest. Both energies symbolize this dual balance between solar energy and lunar energy, of action and relaxation.
We identify and balance these active and passive energies within ourselves. During the practice of hatha yoga we experience this journey as the classes begin with Sun Salutations to warm up and activate the body and end with Savasana, relaxation.
The most famous classical text on hatha yoga dates back to the 15th century and is titled Hatha Yoga Pradipika written by the master Swatnarama. This is a book for yoga practitioners in which concepts are discussed that are then practiced in classes.
Hatha yoga evolved from yogic traditions between the 2nd and 5th centuries BC. The history of yoga goes back a long way, so it is not always easy to pinpoint specific dates. The same goes for the different styles of yoga, whose schools have evolved over the centuries based on the same concept: the union of body, mind and soul.
Hatha yoga characteristics
In general, Hatha yoga is a practice suitable for everyone, as it does not require much previous knowledge or experience. Hatha yoga classes are calmer than other styles such as Vinyasa or Ashtanga. That is why they are perfect for beginners, because they focus on good body alignment.
If you are a beginner, remember that you can always adapt the practice to your level of yoga. The important thing is to take the step of being there, you should not focus on achieving the perfect posture or comparing yourself to the person next to you, it is not a competition but a moment of self-care.
Under the term Hatha yoga, we can find specialized classes at different levels or objectives with which you will be able to practice a wide variety of postures.

Benefits of Hatha yoga
Many people enter the world of yoga attracted by its physical benefits, but the truth is that constant practice gives us many benefits on a mental and spiritual level.
The practice of Hatha yoga has many benefits such as reducing stress, improving concentration and sleep quality. The main benefits of hatha yoga are:
- Improve physical fitness , including endurance, strength and flexibility. You don't need to be flexible or meet any other physical requirements to get started in yoga.
- Improves balance , with greater control over one's body. In addition, over time you will see that body control is closely linked to mind control, which is one of the main objectives of yoga.
- It reduces anxiety , fatigue and stress, resulting in an improvement in the overall quality of life. Without a doubt, the balance that the practice brings us translates not only into physical but also emotional well-being. Each posture is linked to benefits at the body level but also at the level of organs and chakras, resulting in a state of integral harmony.
- It increases brain function immediately . You leave the classes relaxed but at the same time more active, more focused and with clearer ideas. It is the magic of entering this meditative state that we achieve by controlling our breathing in sync with the postures.
Material for hatha yoga
To practice Hatha yoga you will first need a good yoga mat. At the same time, comfortable and flexible clothing is key. If you need to get some, you can visit Anaissa 's website where you will find leggings and sports tops to practice yoga freely and comfortably.
You may also find it useful to have some add-ons on hand to help you practice better, especially if you are a beginner:
- Yoga block: This is great for postures where you need to get closer to the ground, such as the trikonasana posture, to avoid curving the spine.
- Yoga belt: This is great to use to create space between your shoulders or to help you grab your foot if you can't reach it with your hand.
- Meditation blanket: This will help protect your joints if you have sensitive joints or have suffered an injury. It will also help protect your joints in postures such as cat-cow, where the contact of your knees with the mat can be uncomfortable. And, of course, it will be useful to cover yourself during savasana, the final relaxation posture.
Hatha yoga with Anaissa
At Anaissa we want you to enjoy the activities you do every day and we believe that doing so with comfortable, quality clothing is essential. By practicing Hatha yoga you will be able to connect with your body, improve your physique, reduce anxiety and achieve greater concentration.
We hope that everything shared is useful and if you need to find comfortable clothing for your practice, do not hesitate to visit our Anaissa website and find out about all the models and colors available to make your practice comfortable and enjoyable.