Simple pilates exercises to do anywhere
Practicing pilates has multiple benefits for our health and helps to work the whole body in a simple and relaxed but very powerful way. At Anaissa we have told you the best tips for doing pilates at home and today we want to tell you about the pilates exercises that you can incorporate into your routine.
Stay tuned to learn about pilates exercises that will help you improve your flexibility and muscle tone in your abs, arms, and legs.

Roll up, pilates exercise for the spine
This exercise improves spinal mobility, strengthening the abdominal muscles and increasing flexibility.
To do this, you need to lie down and stretch your arms back to the height of your ears.
Take an inhalation and begin to rise with your arms fully extended as if pulling them, the head rises in the same line going up vertebra by vertebra without pulling. While the legs remain firm against the ground and the abdomen contracts, the arms lengthen towards the feet rounding the spine. Exhale in this stretch.
When you inhale again, move backwards, vertebra by vertebra, supporting yourself from the lumbar region to the head.
Exhale as your entire body reaches the floor. Repeat 8 times.
For this and all pilates exercises you can wear comfortable clothing such as women's tops or women's t-shirts . In both cases, they can be short or long sleeved according to the season in which you choose to practice the pilates exercises we share.
One-Leg Circles - Pilates exercises for core and hips
Among the pilates exercises, this one in particular will improve your ability to stabilize your core while moving your legs, as well as working on hip mobility.
It is performed lying down, raising one leg upwards with the knee straight and the other leg on the floor bent. No matter how high you reach, the goal is to keep the pelvis and spine stable during the movement.
Once you have achieved this, make circles with your leg. Inhale during the first half of the circle, exhale on the way back. Repeat 8 times with each leg.
Stretching the spine, pilates exercises to improve joint
Pilates exercises that stretch the spine help improve the articulation of the spine and this exercise also improves the flexibility of the hamstrings to adopt an upright position.
It is performed sitting, with the legs separated as wide as the mat and the feet pointing upwards. The back is kept straight and the arms are extended forward.
From the head, the spine begins to round, vertebra by vertebra, as if we wanted to reach the line of the feet with our hands, and then return to the initial position, vertebra by vertebra.
Inhale as you stretch, exhale and return. Repeat 8 times, and remember that in pilates exercises the most important thing is to maintain the connection with the center and make sure that the shoulders do not tense up.
Twisting, pilates exercises to strengthen the back muscles
Pilates exercises that incorporate twisting strengthen the muscles that keep the back upright, as well as the abdominal muscles, while also helping with spinal mobility.
Sit with your legs stretched out and open them as wide as you can, always in a comfortable position. Lengthen your back as if you were growing towards the sky and stretch your arms forward, open as wide as your legs.
When you reach this position, inhale, stretching your spine, and exhale, rotating to the right from the waist, supporting yourself with your right arm while the other remains in place. Inhale and return to the center, exhale and rotate to the other side. The head rotates with the trunk, repeating 8 times on each side.
Side kick, pilates exercises to gain strength in the hip
This is another Pilates exercise to improve hip strength, stability and mobility, also putting the glutes into action.
You should lie on your side, with your legs stretched slightly in front of your torso. One hand supports your head and the other is placed in front of you, resting on the floor to provide stability in your position.
With your legs fully stretched, raise the top one slightly, keeping your abdominal muscles active. Begin to inhale and move the slightly raised leg forward, exhale and move the leg back. Repeat 8 times on each side.
The pelvis, shoulders or back do not move. For these exercises where the legs are the ones that have to be in motion, you can choose to wear sports shorts or leggings of different lengths that provide excellent elasticity.
One-legged plank, pilates exercises for shoulders and abs
Pilates exercises with a plank are very complete. They strengthen the shoulders and abdominals, and improve the stability of the trunk and pelvis.
This exercise begins in a table-like position on all fours. The legs are stretched backwards, supporting only the tips of the feet. This way the body is straight, supporting the hands firmly and the tips of the feet on the floor. A plank position is achieved.
Push hard off the ground without rounding your spine, contract your glutes and abdomen and without changing anything in your back, begin to raise one leg and then the other. Repeat 8 times with each leg and rest by supporting yourself on your knees and bringing your butt back.

Wear comfortable clothing for your pilates exercises
In order to have a sustained Pilates exercise practice, without distractions, it is essential to have an outfit that is comfortable and allows you to stretch calmly.
In addition to the shorts, leggings, tops and t-shirts that accompany a good practice, at Anaissa we have talked about the reasons that may lead you to choose women's sports suits for your pilates, yoga, dance and other sports activities.
Now that you know basic pilates exercises to practice at home, you are ready to put together your routine!
And remember that the benefits are not achieved by doing a particular exercise. The most important thing is the attention and control with which we move.