Mom's war against cancer, not just a pink ribbon!!!
Mom's war against cancer, not just a pink ribbon!!! Every year on October 19th , World Breast Cancer Day is celebrated, which aims to give recognition and support to all women (and a small sector of men) who have suffered, suffer or will suffer from this disease, and that thanks to advances in medicine, more and more women are able to leave behind that nightmare that this disease becomes when it enters our lives.We must be positive, although around 32,825 new cases of #BreastCancer are diagnosed in Spain every year, we must know that it has the highest survival rate at more or less 80%.That is why we must raise awareness and understand that the key to the fight against this disease is research and early diagnosis, which is why it is important to perform self-examinations, and go quickly to the doctor for any abnormality that we may notice.Facing cancer is a challenge that we must face as a team, with family, friends and doctors. It is the most important battle of our lives and as such we have to try to win it until our last breath, although winning a battle does not mean winning the war, we must understand it as we are getting closer to that.Throughout her career, Anaissa has acquired awareness and an active role in the fight to eradicate and make all those who are in this difficult battle feel better. That is why we create our articles, thinking that they adapt to the needs of all those who are going through this bitter experience.Top control MaryT-shirt with Emana EVA fiberTop and panties with MACARENA patternAt some point in our lives we have been closely affected by this disease (a friend, family member or acquaintance) and we must convince ourselves that if we keep fighting we will succeed #Positivitycancer .For a better world, without Cancer!Anaissa against Breast Cancer!Join the pink!
Anaissa: Fashion and health go hand in hand.
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