5 simple tips to fight cellulite naturally
Cellulite, also popularly known as orange peel skin, is not unknown among women, as most of us have it in some part of our body to a greater or lesser extent. We also know that women tend to accumulate more and larger fat cells in the buttocks, hips and thighs than in other parts of the body. But knowing that it is common does not mean that we should give up, as there are a number of things we can do to get rid of unsightly cellulite, and these tips will also help us enjoy better health, which is what is really important.
To combat cellulite, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a low-fat diet and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, there are very easy things to incorporate into our daily routine that will help us stop cellulite, improve our health and enjoy a better appearance. Today we propose 5 simple tips to combat cellulite naturally :
1. Exercise! Exercising will help us improve our physical performance, burn fat, eliminate toxins and tone our muscles. All of this is key to having beautiful legs without cellulite and feeling better about ourselves.
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2. Improving your diet is another important aspect to fight cellulite . Therefore, we must try to reduce the intake of fats, avoid toxins in our body as they also play a role in the appearance of cellulite and reduce salt consumption because it promotes fluid retention. In addition to these general guidelines, there are certain foods , which we usually buy in our usual store, that due to their properties are recommended to fight cellulite :
- The artichoke, apart from being a delicious vegetable and being beneficial due to its many natural components, contains cynarin, which is beneficial for the liver and helps digest fats and eliminate toxins.
- Pineapple is a fruit suitable for eliminating cellulite due to its diuretic properties. It is also a digestive food since it has an enzyme, bromelain, which helps digest food.
- Bananas are an ideal food against cellulite, they help us feel full for longer, prevent water retention and promote blood circulation thanks to their high potassium content.
3. Horsetail infusions . Horsetail, the scientific name of this plant, is very easy to find in supermarkets in bags of prepared infusion or in herbalists in bulk. Horsetail has diuretic properties, therefore, it is beneficial to combat cellulite because it will help us eliminate fats and toxins through urine. Important note: we should not abuse this infusion, one cup a day would be more than enough, an excessive diuretic effect could lead to dehydration.
4. Anti-cellulite garments are that extra help we need to fight cellulite more effectively and in less time. Of course, using an anti-cellulite garment must be accompanied by a healthy diet and exercise to notice better results, but the combination of this with a healthy lifestyle ensures a noticeable reduction in cellulite. In Anaissa's Biotech line you can find different garments specially designed to fight cellulite, all of them made with Emana® fiber that offers thermoregulation and micro blood circulation when in contact with the skin. If you want to know more about Emana® fiber, we recommend that you read the article What is Emana® fiber? in which everything related to the technology with which it is developed and its natural properties is explained.
5. Reduce and eliminate toxins from our body . It is known that the accumulation of toxins in our body, among other factors, is related to the presence of cellulite, for this reason it is advisable to reduce the presence of toxins if we want to get rid of cellulite. To eliminate toxins from the body it is recommended:
- Reduce coffee consumption.
- Eliminating tobacco from our routine is key since smoking harms microcirculation and cellular oxygenation.
- Drink plenty of water, unsweetened natural juices and lightly sweetened infusions to help eliminate accumulated toxins.