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Article: Tips to fight cellulite, this year yes!

combatir celulitis anaissa

Tips to fight cellulite, this year yes!

One year ends and another begins, and with it our list of resolutions returns to take stock of what we have accomplished and what we have not, and to set goals for the new year . Motivation is essential to carry it out, however, there are several of those resolutions that we drag along year after year and that we never accomplish due to lack of time perhaps or in many cases due to lack of perseverance: combat the dreaded cellulite!

Here are a few tips to help you achieve this goal. They are not the holy grail, but if you put them into practice throughout the year, you will feel much better about yourself.

4 Tips to combat cellulite


The fight against cellulite involves staying well hydrated from within so as not to accumulate fluids, as contradictory as it may seem. To do this, it is important to drink an adequate amount of water every day . Drinking infusions is a good way to increase water intake, and some of them also have diuretic effects. combat cellulite anaissa

To be healthy, it is not necessary to consume 'superfoods'. Vegetables , fruits , greens and legumes are our best allies to combat cellulite. We should also try to reduce our salt intake , since it causes us to retain fluids, and try to avoid added sugars . Of course, try to avoid processed foods. combat cellulite anaissa

We all know that practicing sports regularly is beneficial for our body. And if we want to combat cellulite, practicing aerobic exercises such as walking at a good pace, running or fitness are a good option. For people who suffer from pain in their joints, yoga can be their best option , since its practice also contributes to improving the tone of our muscles. combat cellulite anaissa

Toning our body has a host of benefits, including improving our physical appearance. The important thing is that the activity you choose motivates you, since you have to be consistent if you want to get results.


There are many adjuvant treatments to try to combat cellulite: mesotherapy, cavitation, ultrasound, radiofrequency... but not all of us can afford the cost that some of them entail and the benefits of this type of treatment are ephemeral. On the other hand, there is a type of garment made of smart thread that helps us combat cellulite passively and with a minimum investment. combat cellulite anaissacombat cellulite anaissa

Anaissa is the leading national manufacturer of this type of garments made with a patented fabric with Emana technology whose continued use, accompanied by a healthy diet and regular exercise, contributes , among other things, to improving blood circulation, reducing fatigue or the effect of tired legs, keeping the skin hydrated, shaping the figure and ultimately fighting cellulite and having visibly firmer skin .

You have 365 days ahead of you! If you put into practice these simple tips that we have told you, do you think there is anything that can resist you?

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