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Article: 7 Tips to enjoy a healthy Christmas

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7 Tips to enjoy a healthy Christmas

Now, we are entering one of the most beautiful and special times of the year. Christmas is here! At Anaissa we love it, and it's time to enjoy time with family, get-togethers with friends, lunches, dinners and... non-stop! Unintentionally, we leave our routines aside. Therefore, in this post, we reveal some tips so that you can continue enjoying a healthy Christmas while having a great time with your loved ones! Prepare your favorite tea and get comfortable because we're starting!

The going here and there, the shopping, the meetings with friends and family, the overeating or the lack of sleep are some of the main reasons why our daily routines change during this time of year. So enjoy these tips to enjoy a healthier Christmas.

  1. Try to maintain a balanced diet as much as you can.

And yes, we say as much as you can, because there will be times when family or friends will cook for you, or when you will go out for a drink. Therefore, whenever you have the time, cook for yourself, choose foods rich in vitamins and with a much healthier energy supply .

  1. Lots of fruit and vegetables!

Excesses make us feel heavy, so choose fruit and vegetables. These foods will help you eliminate toxins thanks to the vitamins, fiber and water they contain.

healthy christmas
  1. Water will be your best ally

Staying hydrated is one of the main tips we always try to remind you of. Drinking between 2 and 3 liters a day is essential for our body .

  1. Don't forget your exercise routines

Whatever sport or discipline you practice, don't forget your routine! Staying active will help us feel much better, lighter, with more energy, and of course, burn those extra calories!

healthy christmas
  1. Bet on more natural sweets

Christmas is synonymous with nougat, marzipan, candied fruit... all with a high sugar content! Enjoy these typical sweets in moderation, only on special occasions. And if possible, replace them with more natural ones, such as sugar-free dried fruit or fruit juices . They are also delicious!

  1. Try not to drink too much alcohol

A glass of wine or champagne won't do you any harm, but try not to drink too much alcohol. As well as containing a lot of sugar and toxins, it's not healthy at all.

  1. Enjoy moments with family and friends

Yes, above all, enjoy yourself. Put aside your phone, problems and work, and just laugh, talk and have a great time with your loved ones during these holidays! That's what's really important. And it will make you feel happy and grateful.

healthy christmas

Are you already thinking about the upcoming holidays? Do you already have all your plans prepared? We hope that with these tips you can enjoy a much healthier Christmas. From Anaissa we want to take advantage of this post to wish you all a happy holiday season, full of love, peace and joy with your families and friends. Thank you for continuing with us for another year. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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