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Article: Yoga, a practical recipe for calm

anaissa yoga

Yoga, a practical recipe for calm

Yoga is not just a discipline, but a way of life . It is a practice that is not only totally beneficial for our outer self, but also for our inner self . In this post we talk about some of the aspects for which to bet on yoga as a practical recipe for the soul.

Stress, more than a feeling

Stress is not easy to define. We think of it as a bad feeling . It causes tension, fear and exhaustion, but it is more than just a feeling , as it affects our physical state . Headaches, fatigue, back pain, cognitive problems and digestive disorders can all be associated with stress.

Over the past 30 years , science has discovered that there is a direct link between stress and most serious disorders such as diabetes, depression, heart disease, autoimmune disorders and even cancer. It is clear that we need to take action to try to combat it .

'Stress is a time when you feel that the demands placed on you exceed what you can handle' Dr. Timothy McCall

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The yogic recipe

Stress clogs and oppresses the koshas , ​​the Sanskrit term for the "sheaths" of the body-mind. They range from the concentrated to the subtle, physical, mental, breathing, wisdom, and bliss. Yoga activates and releases the muscles of the physical sheath and also exerts relaxing and healing effects on other koshas .

A study by Boston University (2011) revealed that yoga makes the body go from being in a state dominated by the sympathetic nervous system (which produces a stressful reaction) to a state governed by the parasympathetic nervous system (which activates the relaxation response). This could produce relaxation of the limbic system , the emotional part of our brain.

Here are five great practices to help you de-stress quickly :

  • Roll Over: Lying on your back with your arms above your head, swing your right leg over your body until it pulls you to the left and over your stomach, then stretch your left arm behind you until it pulls you to the right and over your back, and continue in this manner until you have stretched all your limbs.
  • Open your chest: Practice five minutes of postures such as cat-cow, cobra or sphinx.
  • Lengthen your exhalation: Try a 1:2 ratio, inhale for four seconds and exhale for eight.
  • Do the "big tree": Child's pose ( Balasana ), Reclining Goddess pose ( Supta Baddaha Konasana ) and Raised legs against the wall ( Viparita )
  • Go Ommm
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Find your place and go beyond

However, yoga is not an instant stress reliever. Each of us manifests stress differently . Some people become irascible, others become sad or lethargic, and others become spastic. Likewise, there are as many types of yoga as there are feelings of stress , but almost everyone can benefit from a practice that includes meditation , as it releases pressure and sharpens the mind .

And as you delve deeper into the yoga tradition, you discover insights into diet and habits that help calm the body and mind while strengthening your connection to the spirit. It can help you create a less stressful life and make you wonder : what really matters?

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To make the practice of this discipline as comfortable as possible, Anaissa has developed specific Yoga garments with a patented and scientifically proven EMANA® fibre that allows you to perform your exercises with maximum precision. If you want to know more about our products, visit our website.

Source: Yoga Journal Magazine No. 110

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