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Article: Hydrated skin is healthy skin


Hydrated skin is healthy skin

Do we really take care of ourselves?

With this question we welcome another week at Anaissa. April, the month in which the sun starts to be a regular visitor, temperatures rise and we slowly uncover our skin. As summer approaches, we all insist more on protecting our skin from the sun's rays, keeping it hydrated and giving it the care it deserves, but do we do it?

The change of seasons is not enough reason to make taking care of our skin a must. It is necessary to maintain a routine throughout the year, as this is the protective barrier of our body. We tend to believe that the hydration of our skin is an exclusively external aspect, however, maintaining a healthy-looking dermis is a job that begins on the inside, that is, with the intake of food and water.

Below are the best tips for healthy, hydrated and beautiful skin.

  1. Water. Look at your skin. Is it dry, dull and lackluster? This is the main problem. To solve it, try drinking 2-3 liters of water a day. You will notice that your skin improves and that your body works better.

  2. Foods rich in vitamin A, B, C, E, K and rich in omega3, omega6 and biotin. Foods such as oily fish, olive oil, lean meats, green leafy vegetables or vegetables such as broccoli, carrots or cauliflower.

And what about the outside? Clothing protects your most important barrier: your skin. That's why it's necessary to choose durable, quality garments made from materials that enhance this effect on your skin.

At Anaissa, this is one of our maxims, which is why all our garments, in addition to being made in Spain with exclusive quality materials such as Emana fiber and BioTech_ technology, have cosmetic agents that help keep your skin smooth and hydrated, such as caffeine cosmetics or Shea butter that help exfoliate your skin as well as hydrate it, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite, orange peel skin and reducing centimeters, adapting to your body like a second skin.

Visit our website and discover the garment that best suits you. Your skin will thank you.

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