These are the keys to being a yogi and not perishing in the attempt. If you have jumped on the wave of post-confinement yogis, we will give you tips to not give up and get results. This is all you need to know if you want to succeed.
It is an ancient discipline that works on the body and mind as a whole. It is not a competition, it is not a sporting discipline or a challenge of flexibility. It is a work that is done by and for oneself and that requires perseverance, patience and understanding life from a new perspective. The body is a temple in which the soul lives. It is about keeping our home (the body) healthy and in balance.
Despite the numerous benefits it brings to our health, and these have been confirmed by science, getting started in yoga and following a routine is not easy. The asanas or postures can become complicated and sometimes annoying. These discomforts disappear with continued practice but sometimes they are a reason why many people end up giving up. Lack of time, not being consistent and lack of knowledge only add to the difficulties.
Yoga is not comfortable, definitely not.
That is why we give you some guidelines to keep in mind so that you can achieve your goals and enjoy a harmonious and pleasant life.
It's not a cliché from a self-help book. The first step to start on the path is to believe that you will succeed. A positive mindset is better prepared to overcome obstacles. You can do it, simply if you do.
Establish a fixed and constant schedule, unless a force majeure forces us to modify it permanently. This is the first unwritten rule to help your brain commit to the chosen yoga practice.
Lack of time will make you fall irremediably into: -'I start in half an hour', 'I have to do something before', 'I'm too tired today', - and a hundred more excuses that will make you deviate from your good intentions. Train your mind and you will obtain the mental strength you need to achieve any goal.
A corner of the house or the chosen place should be quiet, not in the way of others, with light if possible, not humid or hot and where you have enough space to move around freely. This space will be of vital importance in your daily life, at least until you acquire sufficient skills. Using it regularly will become part of your relaxation routine. You will feel protected and have a calm mind.
It's not about rushing into buying things compulsively, but rather about having the right material that makes your practice easier.
A mat is essential, as are wooden or cork supports to facilitate the transition in certain asanas without injuring ourselves, and appropriate clothing.
Anaissa Yoga's yoga and pilates clothing helps you prevent injuries. Their compression leggings and tops are reinforced where the muscles need it most. Anaissa uses mineral crystals in the manufacture of its technical fabrics that transform heat into far infrared rays. You receive medical aesthetic benefits that act on bones, cartilage, cells and muscles. They help prevent injuries, stimulate the creation of collagen and provide hydration and firmness. Their second-skin fit also prevents the clothing from rotating and moving in different positions. They are comfortable, hypoallergenic and you will forget that you are wearing them.

Establish a routine of asanas and repeat them until you internalize them. Be aware of your movements, your body, the stretch and even the slight pain... This is what yoga teachers call 'active listening'. If you pay attention to all the changes, to your breathing and your joints, you will progress little by little and successfully.
When you start yoga, this is the most important thing of all. Especially if you come from a sedentary life or from doing competitive disciplines or going to the gym. This way of life is definitely far from all that. All progress is slow but sure and perseverance and patience with oneself is the key to our own personal success.
With the right amount of time, you will notice great results on a physical and mental level. The change for you has started today.
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